📄️ Flex
Define how flex subdivides for elements.
📄️ Flex Grow
Control how elements expand to fill available space.
📄️ Flex Shrink
Adjust how elements shrink when space is limited.
📄️ Flex Basis
Set initial size before elements grow or shrink.
📄️ Flex Direction
Define the direction of flex container items.
📄️ Flex Wrap
Define the Wrap of flex container items.
📄️ Gap
Manage spacing between flex items.
📄️ Justify Content
Distribute space and align items along the main axis.
📄️ Justify Self ❔
Custom alignment for individual items (Native workaround for the CSS equivalent).
📄️ Align Items
Align flex items along the cross axis.
📄️ Align Content
Distribute space among flex lines when wrapping.
📄️ Align Self
Override alignment for individual flex items.
📄️ Place Items
Align and justify items within a container.