📄 ️ Text Color
Set the color of text.
📄️ Font Family
Define the font family for text.
📄️ Font Size
Adjust the size of the text.
📄️ Font Weight
Control the thickness or boldness of text.
📄️ Font Style
Set text to normal or italic styles.
📄️ Text Align
Align text horizontally within its container.
📄️ Text Decoration Lines
Apply underlines, overlines, or strikethroughs.
📄️ Text Decoration Style ★
Define the style of text decorations, like solid or dotted.
📄️ Text Decoration Color
Set the color of text decorations.
📄️ Text Shadow Radius
Define the blur radius of the text shadow.
📄️ Text Shadow Color ★
Set the color of the text shadow.
📄️ Text Shadow Offset
Adjust the horizontal and vertical position of the text shadow.
📄️ Text Variants
Control typographic variants like small-caps or numbers.
📄️ Text Transforms
Change text case to uppercase, lowercase, or capitalize.
📄️ User Select
Control the user selection behavior of text.