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Border Width

Control the thickness of element borders.


import { bdr } from "nativeflowcss";


The following classes are predefined for border widths from 1 to 5:

ClassesNative Props
bdr.w_1{ borderWidth: 1 }
bdr.w_2{ borderWidth: 2 }
bdr.w_3{ borderWidth: 3 }
bdr.w_4{ borderWidth: 4 }
bdr.w_5{ borderWidth: 5 }
bdr.b_w_1{ borderBottomWidth: 1 }
bdr.b_w_2{ borderBottomWidth: 2 }
bdr.b_w_3{ borderBottomWidth: 3 }
bdr.b_w_4{ borderBottomWidth: 4 }
bdr.b_w_5{ borderBottomWidth: 5 }
bdr.l_w_1{ borderLeftWidth: 1 }
bdr.l_w_2{ borderLeftWidth: 2 }
bdr.l_w_3{ borderLeftWidth: 3 }
bdr.l_w_4{ borderLeftWidth: 4 }
bdr.l_w_5{ borderLeftWidth: 5 }
bdr.r_w_1{ borderRightWidth: 1 }
bdr.r_w_2{ borderRightWidth: 2 }
bdr.r_w_3{ borderRightWidth: 3 }
bdr.r_w_4{ borderRightWidth: 4 }
bdr.r_w_5{ borderRightWidth: 5 }
bdr.t_w_1{ borderTopWidth: 1 }
bdr.t_w_2{ borderTopWidth: 2 }
bdr.t_w_3{ borderTopWidth: 3 }
bdr.t_w_4{ borderTopWidth: 4 }
bdr.t_w_5{ borderTopWidth: 5 }
bdr.s_w_1{ borderStartWidth: 1 }
bdr.s_w_2{ borderStartWidth: 2 }
bdr.s_w_3{ borderStartWidth: 3 }
bdr.s_w_4{ borderStartWidth: 4 }
bdr.s_w_5{ borderStartWidth: 5 }
bdr.e_w_1{ borderEndWidth: 1 }
bdr.e_w_2{ borderEndWidth: 2 }
bdr.e_w_3{ borderEndWidth: 3 }
bdr.e_w_4{ borderEndWidth: 4 }
bdr.e_w_5{ borderEndWidth: 5 }

Custom Border Widths​

Custom properties are usually rendered using _(customValue)

ClassesNative Props
bdr.w_(customWidth){ borderWidth: customWidth }
bdr.t_w_(customWidth){ borderTopWidth: customWidth }
bdr.r_w_(customWidth){ borderRightWidth: customWidth }
bdr.b_w_(customWidth){ borderBottomWidth: customWidth }
bdr.l_w_(customWidth){ borderLeftWidth: customWidth }
bdr.s_w_(customWidth){ borderStartWidth: customWidth }
bdr.e_w_(customWidth){ borderEndWidth: customWidth }