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Elevation ✱

Control shadow depth to create elevation effects.

✱ represents it's an iOS-only prop


import { fx } from "nativeflowcss";


The Shadow property works in a similar way, but supports Android as well as iOS

ObjectNative Properties
fx.elevation_0{ elevation: 0 }
fx.elevation_1{ elevation: 1 }
fx.elevation_2{ elevation: 2 }
fx.elevation_3{ elevation: 3 }
fx.elevation_4{ elevation: 4 }
fx.elevation_5{ elevation: 5 }
fx.elevation_6{ elevation: 6 }
fx.elevation_7{ elevation: 7 }
fx.elevation_8{ elevation: 8 }
fx.elevation_9{ elevation: 9 }
fx.elevation_10{ elevation: 10 }

Custom Elevation

Custom properties are usually rendered using _(customValue)

ObjectNative Properties
fx.elevation_(customNumber){ elevation: customNumber }


Only supported for Android 5.0+, check elevation API for more details