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Control the width of elements.


import { w } from "nativeflowcss";


ObjectNative Properties
w.w_0{ width: 0 }
w.w_1{ width: 4 }
w.w_2{ width: 8 }
w.w_3{ width: 12 }
w.w_4{ width: 16 }
w.w_5{ width: 20 }
w.w_6{ width: 24 }
w.w_7{ width: 28 }
w.w_8{ width: 32 }
w.w_9{ width: 36 }
w.w_10{ width: 40 }
w.w_11{ width: 44 }
w.w_12{ width: 48 }
w.w_14{ width: 56 }
w.w_16{ width: 64 }
w.w_20{ width: 80 }
w.w_24{ width: 96 }
w.w_28{ width: 112 }
w.w_32{ width: 128 }
w.w_36{ width: 144 }
w.w_40{ width: 160 }
w.w_44{ width: 176 }
w.w_48{ width: 192 }
w.w_52{ width: 208 }
w.w_56{ width: 224 }
w.w_60{ width: 240 }
w.w_64{ width: 256 }
w.w_72{ width: 288 }
w.w_80{ width: 320 }
w.w_96{ width: 384 }

Custom Widths​

Custom properties are usually rendered using _(customValue)

Width in React Native does not support % unit as of now

ObjectNative Properties
w.w_(customValue){ width: customValue }